Using “ng-bootstrap” components & directives In Angular 5 apps

In our last article, we learned “how to install and setup ng-bootstrap in our Angular 5 apps”.

Using “ng-bootstrap” components & directives In Angular 5 apps

In our last article, we learned “how to install and setup ng-bootstrap in our Angular 5 apps”.!

In this article, we are going to cover a couple of bootstrap components provided by “ng-bootstrap” module in our Angular 5 apps.
  • “ng-bootstrap” Checkbox based Buttons (using ngbButton)
  • “ng-bootstrap” Alerts (using ngb-alert)
  • “ng-bootstrap” Progress Bar (using ngb-progressbar)
  • “ng-bootstrap” Carousels (using ngb-carousel)
  • “ng-bootstrap” Rating widget (using ngb-rating)
  • “ng-bootstrap” Modal Popup (using ng-template and ngbModal service)

In order to implement these components, we will have to configure NgbModule in our app module, i.e. app.module.ts file as we have seen in our last article and then we will able to use all ng-bootstrap components in our Angular app.

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