ES6/ES2015 JavaScript Examples


ES6/ES2015 JavaScript Examples

This article demonstrates new JavaScript features introduces in ES6/ES2015. All features have been demonstrated using jsfiddle. FInd a list of exmaples below -

  • Simple and Anonymous Arrow Function Example

    [Code] See Example

  • How "this" works with Arrow functions in JavaScript

    [Code] See Example

  • Classes and Inheritance in JavaScript (ES6)

    [Code] See Example

  • Array destructuring in ES6

    [Code] See Example

  • Destructuring JavaScript Object Literal using ES6

    [Code] See Example

  • Object Destructuring with rest operator in ES6

    [Code] See Example

  • Iteration & Destructuring JavaScript object using ES6

    [Code] See Example

  • Maps in JavaScript ES6

    [Code] See Example

  • Default Paramaters in JavaScript ES6

    [Code] See Example

  • var and let difference in JavaScript

    [Code] See Example

  • Set & WeakSet in JavaScript ES6

    [Code] See Example

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